“Poetry has always been a part of my life. At age five I wrote my first poem about butterflies and the sky.”
Cloud Compass
Collection of New and Selected Poems 2014, CyberWit, Kalindipuram, Allahabad, India.
Honorable Mention for Writer’s Digest’s Self-Published e-Book Awards in the Poetry category, 2015.
La Stanza dei Mesi
(Room of Months)
Collection of Poetry 1995, Premio Donna, Book Editore, Bologna, Italy.
Collection of poetry, 1992, co-winner 1993 Columbia Book Award, S.C.O.P. Publications, Washington, B.C.
The Song of What Was Lost
Collection of poetry, 1988 Baltimore ARTSCAPE Literary Arts Award, The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, et. al.
Artists Book
Poetry 2001, Edizione EOS Roma, Rome, Italy.
La Virago
Bi-linqual Play 2001, Campanotto Editore, Udine, Italy.
Children’s Poetry and Fables
Andrew’s Animal Adventures
Kindle & Print editions, 2014, MTC Publications
Tales of Five Continents
eBook of Fables, 1999, 1st Books Library
Come Merkat Trovo Il Vero Coraggio (How Merkat Found True Courage)
Childrens’ fable, Commune di Ferrara Associazione A.V.E.P.E.V., 1992 (Ferrara, Italy)
Come Djambawa Trovo Quel Che Cercava (How Djambawa Found What He Was Seeking)
Childrens’ fable, II Premio Nazionale di Arte c Ambiente di Italia (L.A.V.), 1991, Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara, 1991 (Ferrara, Italy)
Anthology – Co-Editor
Necessity Is A Mother: Toolbox Tales When All Else Fails
Anthology, 2016, MTC Publications