I have been fortunate to have known these gifted artists who have created art inspired by my writings and poetry.
Marilla Battilana
Professor Emeritus of North American Literature at the University of Padova. Marilla has published five collections of poetry and a number of scholarly studies on Italian influences in American literature. Her poems and translations appear often in the Italian poetry journals, L’ozio and Poesie.
Mirella Bentivoglio
Mirella was the founder of the school of European Concrete or Visual Poetry and is an internationally accliamed poet and sculptor. “From Word to Symbol,” an exhibition of sixty of her works, opened at the Pallazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome in 1996.
Emmina Verzella
Emmina (d. 1996) was an artist and illustrator who lived in Ferrara, Italy. Her work was inspired by intimate moments of communication between man and nature. The critic Paola Mingozzi wrote that Verzella’s particular genius was the ability to capture “the flash of a gesture that creates form in color.”
Pamela Winfield
Pamela Winfield is an artist who was born in Austin, Texas, and has lived in many countries. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, Germany. She has exhibited in Germany, Canada, India, and the United States. Her style explores pure colors and rhythms, yet does not eschew her love for the rigor of realism. Her work displays a synthesis of the two.